Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lavaropa, oh my dear lavaropa!


So I got really tired of trying to separate the pictures in this letter. I absolutely cannot stand open office. It just makes it so difficult to send pictures and write about them. I finally took the pictures of my lavaropa. When I use it I feel just like the lady on the side of it. Just thinking about the 1 año/year guarantee makes feel good too. Too bad I won´t be here to benefit from it.

It was made known to me that I will be hitting my 15 quince mark. Down here all the girls get excited when they reach 15(quince). Their parents go into huge debts just to throw a gigantic party for everyone. I will be throwing a huge party for my quince. My comp and I will likely eat large amounts of ice cream and go to work. My comp just hit his year mark and will be doing the kilo challenge. I think he´ll be able to make it through it.
Well this last Sunday was kinda a bummer. We had 8 people in church because it rained and some people thought the combi wouldn´t do it´s route. They were wrong and lazy. The church does something miraculous when it rains down here. When it rains the church disappears and no one goes. Either that or they think it becomes less true when it is raining I haven´t quite figured it out. I have seen this phenomenon during my mission and I am slightly tired of it. Because of the shortage of members, my comp and I had to give talks off the top of our heads. I just love the responsibility that we find down here.
We may have a baptism this Saturday if our investigator isn´t doubting still. She just doesn´t want to join and then fall away or do something wrong. We told her all about the Holy Ghost and that she will have the help of the members. She spoke with the district president for her interview and they were talking for about an hour. She will be getting baptized it is just a thing of when.
I have now called a Young Womens President, a first counselor in the Primary, a Sunday School teacher, and a branch Mission Leader. We will see if I can fill in a few more spots. I am slightly worried about my Relief Society presidency. The president is starting to have some health issues and is becoming less active. The first counselor has a lot of family problems and is a member of three years and doesn´t understand exactly how God tests us. I just worry for the success of this branch if I can´t find responsible faithful leaders.
I know that the Lord will bless me if I do what He asks. I know that fear and doubt never come from the side of God. Only our opposition puts those thoughts and feeling in our minds. I hope to be able to find a house for our meetings in our area so that I can stop paying for the combi every week and so we can start to have a more active branch with activities and all that good stuff.
It is slightly difficult to find a place when their homes are all small and they are all the same. My area is filled with viviendas. Viviendas are government housing that the gov. gives away to whoever. It´s like a lottery. It really just cripples these people because it allows them to slide through their lives without a single day of real work. They aren´t too fond of the whole notion of WORK.

I hope that we will be able to instill some work ethics in our members here so that the church can actually grow. I love you all and hope all is well with changes in the states. Everyone tells us about our new President about 5 times a day.


Elder Hunsaker

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