Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Companion, Elder Pruess

25 February 2009 SHORT EMAIL
I believe that I will be doing a little bit of emailing tomorrow so this will be quick. Transfers came and now I am training. At this very moment I am in Resistencia, Chaco. I am just waiting for the dinner with Pres. del Castillo and my nuevito(newby). Elder Robertson is here in Resistencia with a latino comp. I don't know what I will do if they give me a gringo. I will have to do everything in the branch. I will write tomorrow when my comp writes. Love you all. Chau.

Hola, 2-26-09

Well, it all started Tuesday night with the transfer information. The zone leaders called and told my comp that he would not be here for our baptism of the Britez family this weekend. He was then devastated. He wasn't too happy about that one. I was told that I was going to be training. I was afraid when they told me that I would be training. I didn't want to deal with that and the branch especially if it was a gringo.

I went with Elder Robertson to Resistencia at 10:45am. We arrived in Resistencia at 3:30pm. He went to his new area and I went to the office to wait for the dinner appointment with Pres. Del Castillo. We had a training meeting at 7pm and then we ate at 8pm. We met our greenies at 9pm and we made our way to the assistants’ pensión at 10:30pm. We finally fell asleep at about 11:30pm or 12am. We then had to wake up at 4:30am and get to the terminal to catch the 5:30 colectivo to Formosa. We finally arrived in Clorinda at about 10:20am. My comp is exhausted from his lengthy trip. He hasn't showered since Monday morning. Oh boy do I remember those days. Right after dropping his bags at the pension, we had our district meeting to attend. He will hopefully receive a shower in about 2 hours!

My companion is Elder Pruess from South Ogden, UT. He doesn't exactly speak castellano. He will need to learn quickly because he will be directing some of the meetings at church. He worked in construction with his dad before he came to the mission. He hasn't entered into any studies yet. He is a really good elder. Hopefully it doesn't take too much time for him to adapt to the language. We'll try teaching tonight. WOO HOO!

My comp was pleasantly surprised to find out that we have a baptism this weekend. Antonio and Sonya Britez are a young couple that was taught once by the elders in the other branch but they live in our area. We started teaching them and finished the teaching process. It was a nice gift for us because they all ready had a baptismal date when we started teaching them. They had assisted the other branch with Antonio´s sister. It is a good thing that we have this family because the Duarte family moved from our branch boundaries last week.

I will be sure to send pictures of my trip next week when I write. I love you all and hope for the best for each of you. Hasta la próxima. Until next time. Chau.

Elder Hunsaker

P.S. We ate chicken cordón bleu for dinner. Mmmm. We had ice cream too. Sister Del Castillo was the cook and she did a great job.

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