Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chorrizos, Refried Beans or Spiders (Your Pick)

Que tal, 5-13-09
It was fun to be able to talk to everyone on Saturday. I can only imagine how it will be when I get home and I can talk for as long as I want. I hope that all of the kids won their sports games. Nothing much has changed since Saturday. In church there were few people due to the slight drizzle of rain. We had two investigators in the meetings and that was nice. I am about to call a new Young Women’s presidency and maybe a gospel principles teacher because I get spread really thin during the meetings. It drives me nuts especially when my speakers don't show up and I get to go improv in sacrament meeting.
The other day we went over to visit a less active member that owns a carnicerìa (butcher shop). The better way of putting it would be that he lives in a carnicerìa because it is his home. When we got to his house, he was busy making chorrizos for Labor Day. My comp and I enjoyed watching him make them. His little daughter enjoyed playing with the huge chunks of meat before they were ground in his machine. His cat enjoyed drinking the liquids from the raw meat before it dried on the floor. We made a video of him making the chorrizos so I will be sure to show it in the future. When we left he sent us off with about 2 kilos of chorrizos. They were tasty but hard to eat after seeing where and how they were made. I thought of dad and what he always says about restaurants and their back kitchens....not even close to this.
On our way to an appointment we found this destroyed armadillo body in the road. There was an interesting smell hanging around that area. My comp wanted to put it in his bag and take it home but I decided otherwise. I told me that he would wait until it dries. Gross!
Today we played volleyball in a sand court. We got there late because we were teaching a member how to use a computer. We arrived about 45 minutes late to the court. By the time we got there Elder Redford had all ready done himself in. He had scalped himself about 15 minutes before we got there by running into the low fence that surrounds the court. I took a look at the accident scene and found the remains of Elder Redford's scalp and hair. Ouch! He is always doing things like this to himself. Como se dice, clumsy?

Maria Antonia will be baptized on the 30th of this month. I may or may not be here for it though. She told us that she has received her answer from God about the Book of Mormon and this church. We continue to teach her and finish up the teaching process. She's basically a member all ready because she defends the church when people say random things about it. Her friend at school said that we believe that Joseph Smith is God. Maria gave her friend one of the pamphlets that we had given her to show her that we believe in God the Father and that He isn't Joseph Smith. We might have two other baptisms of the daughters of a sister in the branch.
I have been eating good these days. I found a nice box of cookie crisp to change up my breakfast. I also made some delicious refried beans because I was able to find bacon here. That was a first for me. MMMMmmmm good. I just need to make some tortillas so I can eat some burritos.
When we left our house to go to Laguna Blanca last Saturday it was really foggy outside. I noticed that the sun changes to a white color as it comes through the fog and it looks cool. My comp found a spider outside of our house with a pretty web that had collected all of the mist from the fog that day. I think we still have a slight spider infestation here. I love you all and hope that I hear from you all next week.
Hasta Luego,
Elder Hunsaker

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