Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Coati, Grasshoppers and Church Talks, Oh My

Hi, 5-20-09

News about transfers. . . There aren't any 'cause I'm still here in Clorinda. However, my zone leader Elder Salmond will be going to the Iguazu Falls. My MTC companion Elder Tucker will be coming here to the zone and taking Elder Salmond's spot. Elder Pruess is still here with me for one more transfer at least. I believe that I will only have one more companion in the end. Elder Redford is training again for his third time. That is it for transfers and I'm happy to be here still because I still need to find a chapel for these members.

We have been finding a good amount of nice families. We are working more in the “nicer area” in our area. I am hoping to find some good people that have jobs and know what responsibility is. It is a little bit harder to find but we have done all right so far. I met a man who's parents are from Germany and they only speak in German. He understands German but speaks Spanish. He is one of those blond hair, blue eyes. He and his wife sell Alpargatas and own a taxi service.

Yesterday we taught a family that has a pet coati. It is the South American raccoon. It has lived with them since birth. It sleeps in the house with them and is just like a dog. I was able to pet it before it made a mad dash for the tree. It likes to search the tree for bugs and spiders. Apparently it eats tarantulas when it finds them. It looks kind of like an anteater. My comp was happy to see it. I think I'd like to have one someday. . . or not.

On Monday night we had the normal branch family home evening but hardly anyone showed up to this one. We had a good time taking pictures afterward. The people here love taking pictures unlike in the states where everyone hides from the cameras. These are the daughters of a sister that just moved into our branch. She is having quite a few difficulties. Sister Gomez prepared a really good lesson on forgiveness. She will be receiving a church calling soon.

On Sunday we had a poor attendance at church. 20 people showed up and 16 made it to sacrament meeting. Of the 20 people that were there, there wasn't a single investigator. My speakers ditched out on church so we tried something new that Elder Pruess suggested. He said that his ward used to do this testimony/hymn meeting. The people come to the pulpit and share their thoughts on their favorite hymn and why it is their favorite and then we sing part of it or all of it. It really saved me. I had all ready taught the other two classes and didn't want to make up a talk on the spot. Everyone liked it and the spirit was there so I was happy with the turn out.

I found a size large grasshopper on the side of our door when I stuck my key in and it touched my finger. I scared me quite a bit. After getting the door open we went straight for the cameras. I got it off the door frame and into my hand. It was heavier than I thought it would be. I don't know why all the random bugs and lizards like to come to our house. We found another one of those lizards in our study room just running up and down the wall. I decided not to take a picture but I probably should have so that Nathan Andersen could have enjoyed it.

It rained all day yesterday. I put on my mud boots but my comp decided not too. I think he regretted it a little later that day. I finished the day with my pants covered in mud because my foot slipped and flung mud onto my left pant leg. I have had enough of the chocolate milk roads of Argentina. My pants went from gray to brown in two seconds. It's a good thing I have that washing machine.

It seems to me that every week something blows up or freaks out in our pench. This time our new shower started exploding and it sounded like a car was backfiring. The wires that connect it to the power were melting themselves together. My comp got a video of it the second time it happened. It scared him half to death. He decided to shower with cold water that day. The problem is now solved. We await the next problem.
I hope that all is well with everyone. Love you all and felíz 25 de mayo.

Elder Hunsaker

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