Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Description of the area and members

Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 14:14:09

Okay so the area in which I work is bigger than the 1st ward boundaries. Yes we are the only two missionaries in our area. The majority of the people have the bare necessities of life. Most have tvs and some have dvds. They all have cell phones. The majority use their cell phones as radios. We use the cybers that they have here. There is at least one in every area. I do not have the luxury of a wonderful member to wash my clothes. I have the pleasure of scrubbing my shirts so the they aren´t yellow, red, or brown. In Posadas centro we have Libertad which is basically like Walmart Argentina style. They have skittles there and that's where i picked up the Trix cereal. Sorry that I didn't send those photos last week. So here they are now.

1. Right to left, E. Patterson, Pamela Estepa, Me, Pres. Lopez.
2. The friend of Pamela that gave us her address.
3. The best members in the world. Hermana Silvia Malveira and her daughter Selene.
4. My companion´s foot with a nice fatty blister.
5. The family of Pamela. Right to left, E. Patterson, Pamela, Friorela, Silvia, David, Gabriel, and me.

Their family just recently moved out of our area and are in the Barrio now. The zone leaders are now in charge of teaching and baptizing the rest of her family. Now my companion and I continue our search for families. The other day the temperature here reached 116 degrees. Yesterday I realized I've been on my mission for 4 months and it has just flown by. My comp goes home in 5 weeks and he is staying strong until the end. Well, he is going to have to stay strong or I'll woop him into shape. I love you all. I know this church is true. I know God and Jesus Christ live and that they are in charge of their church. Thanks for all of your love and support.

Con amor,
Elder Hunsaker
(no one can pronounce my name)

1. Right to left, E. Patterson, Pamela Estepa, Me, Pres. Lopez.

2. The friend of Pamela that gave us her address.

3. The best members in the world. Hermana Silvia Malveira and her daughter Selene.

4. My companion´s foot with a nice fatty blister.

5. The family of Pamela. Right to left, E. Patterson, Pamela, Friorela, Silvia, David, Gabriel, and me.

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